The Fazal Ali commission or States Reorganisation Commission (SRC) in 1953 formed states based on linguistic lines. Telangana and Andhra were clubbed (forcefully but with gentlemen's agreement) to form AndhraPradesh state on November 1st, 1956 after Potti SriRamulus fast unto death. The second agitation, especially from students, for separate Telangana state started in 1969 (during which approximately 360 people died) and ended in political benefits to politicians. Later, agitations started many times but were minor in severity because they originated from political drama.
Rationale: There are certain things WE should understand. The formation of mandals, districts, states etc are for better governing. The ultimate benefit should go to India, not to telangana alone or united AndhraPradesh alone. If Telangana gets developed by forming a separate state, WE should accept it. If united AndhraPradesh assures development better than Telangana alone, WE should accept it. Our internal competition should help India emerge as a super power, not create quarrels among us. Remember the forecast of global leaders that India or China would emerge as super power in this century.
I wondered when I saw huge number of students participated in the recent Telangana agitation. I question all the students (with age>18): how many of you casted your vote during general elections (~52% says election commission`) or greater Hyderabad elections (~42% says election commission)? Surveys constantly remind that polling percentage is low because of the less participation of educated people. When you do not vote, you do not have the right to question the society. If the same students put the same energy in teaching a lesson to the polluted politicians (irrespective of region, religion, race), think of the change that could be brought in.
Here comes an interesting observation: Before 2009 general elections, I used to hate politics & never showed any interest to understand politics. I agree that most of our politicians are corrupted but I disagree that our system itself is corrupted. It is WE who are allowing the corrupted people and rowdies to enter into the political system. During April 2009 general elections in state and center, I watched news channels and read news papers a lot to understand politics. I am worried about my understanding but I cannot deny the fact because it is reality. Political parties, by and large, tried to put people into different buckets for their survival. For example, BJP came with religion disparity bucket; TRS came with regional disparity bucket; some new and existing parties came with community disparity bucket or some other bucket. These parties, with vote banking premise, succeeded in putting 60-70% of actual voters (which is around 50% of total voters) in their respective buckets. Election campaign, manifesto, using stardom for publicity etc are to attract only 30% of the remaining actual voters. Unfortunately, most of the print & electronic media are one-sided to political parties. Politicians, joining hands with media, are making people as mere scapegoats. Discussions to find solutions can be thought of a dream as long as politicians are willing to speak their own version and not willing to listen to other politicians version.
Wake up time buddy: All this crap is required for the political parties for their survival, not to foster the development of the nation. They constantly pump these disparities into public. The impact of dirty politics is on the nation and is very severe. Did you people ever observe what these shameless politicians are trying to break?? It is NATIONAL INTEGRITY. It is the feeling of being INDIAN which is beyond the region, religion, caste, language & other feelings. Sachin Tendulkar said, "I am a Marathi but first I am an INDIAN". Youth of this nation should walk with unity to lead India. There is a need to not only change the players but also the rules of this political game. Martin Luther King said, "The silence of good men is more dangerous than the brutality of bad men". At the least, WE should try to cease the perpetuation of current politics into our next generations.