Human being came on to this planet earth with empty hands & can take nothing at the time the person leaves from this planet earth. All of us see a high drama between the first and last breathe and most of us are part of this drama. I would not point/take anyone as example but would generalize & give my observations on the magical power of money in this blog.
Nature created everything required for humans & blessed him with super intelligence. With that intelligence, man invented MONEY. It is a lubricant that facilitates exchange and acts as a ubiquitous matchmaker between buyers and sellers. To become slave or master of this lubricant is left on the individuals.
Nature created everything required for humans & blessed him with super intelligence. With that intelligence, man invented MONEY. It is a lubricant that facilitates exchange and acts as a ubiquitous matchmaker between buyers and sellers. To become slave or master of this lubricant is left on the individuals.
Even to fulfill the basic needs such as food, clothing & shelter, one will need money. There is no better scale other than money scale to measure the differences between rich and poor (former plays with money while latter dreams of playing with it). It is equally loved by a King as well as a Beggar but not equally distributed. The distribution of money goes primarily with the skill of the person unless it is inherited. For instance: doctors earn more than janitors even though a janitor works round the clock. Therefore, the division of labor took its birth (long back) in the society.
Money is the common relative of every human being living on this planet irrespective of his/her Region, Religion, Race. It gives opulent living to the individual and motif to the nameplate. It has the power to change friends as enemies and vice-versa. It also adds tension, stress & health problems. It makes all the squalid affairs possible. Worst part is that most of us kill our genuine aspirations and forcefully work on unwilling things just for money. Sometimes, this is required to fulfill the basic needs but what is the end of this avarice? As Ghandhiji said "Capital as such is not evil; it is its wrong use that is evil. Capital in some form or other will always be needed". The view of people is making all this non-sense possible.
Money is the common relative of every human being living on this planet irrespective of his/her Region, Religion, Race. It gives opulent living to the individual and motif to the nameplate. It has the power to change friends as enemies and vice-versa. It also adds tension, stress & health problems. It makes all the squalid affairs possible. Worst part is that most of us kill our genuine aspirations and forcefully work on unwilling things just for money. Sometimes, this is required to fulfill the basic needs but what is the end of this avarice? As Ghandhiji said "Capital as such is not evil; it is its wrong use that is evil. Capital in some form or other will always be needed". The view of people is making all this non-sense possible.
Definitely, there are certain things which money cannot buy but are very essential in the human journey. You cannot buy love, humanity, joy, peace etc with money but these qualities define the character of the person. Roosevelt said "Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort". HELP is one of the greatest words I love. But even this is entwined with money. In reality, you need a big heart to help someone, not money. Though less in number, I have friends and relatives with big heart and helping hands. The biggest inhibitor to helpful nature is having polluted heart. You can help a person to come out of his/her physical/ mental/ emotional/ spiritual problems. Doing so may sometimes require money. Funny part is with help receiving people. Many of us treat only financial help as help. Daily meditation is the best medicine to know about you in a deeper way and come out of all problems.